
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Custom new homes for people who have very high support needs.

For more information about Specialist Disability Accommodation see the NDIS information.

Participant FAQs

It can take up to 12 months from start to finish to get funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation Funding (SDA homes). For Supported Independent Living (SIL) homes, it can be much faster. It is important to speak to your Support Coordinator as soon as possible to tell the NDIS that you are looking for housing; this will begin the process.

At Abilities Housing Services, rent is called Reasonable Rent Contribution (RRC).

The amount of rent you pay is based on a percentage % of your Disability Support Pension. This means that as your pension changes, the amount of rent you pay will change.

Reasonable Rent Contribution is 25% of the Commonwealth Disability Support Pension, as well as all (100%) of any Commonwealth Rent Assistance you receive.

Furniture is provided in the living areas of all Abilities Housing Services – Shared homes.

For homes that are occupied by one person only, you may need to provide furniture. This will be discussed with you when you apply to live in an Abilities Housing Services home.

No, smoking is not allowed inside any Abilities Housing Services property. Smoking is only allowed in designated smoking areas.

For shared homes, there may be an existing SIL (Supported Independent Living) service already providing support to other people living in the home.

If you want to change SIL service, Abilities Housing Services will facilitate a vote. A majority of people living in the home must choose to change SIL provider.

For homes where you are the only occupant, you may change SIL services (please be aware that you may need to give notice to your current support provider).

Abilities Housing Services Does Not provide any support services. We believe it is important that accommodation and support are provided by different organisations. This means you can have Choice and Control and change support provider (by vote) while staying in the same house.

We care about the happiness of our tenants. If you are unhappy about your accommodation, or anything to do with Abilities Housing Services you can submit a complaint to us. (Change to AHS Complaint Form)

You may also make a complaint about Abilities Housing Services directly to the NDIS Commission.

Are you eligible to apply?

There’s only one way to find out. Hit the button below to enquire about Abilities Housing Services (AHS), and we’ll let you know how we can help!